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Assam Direct Recruitment Exam (ADRE) 2.0 Mock Test Part 2

By indianjobnow

Updated on:


#1. Among the following rivers, which one does not originate from the Himalayas ?

#2. Water has maximum density at-

#3. Which social science studies the production, distribution and consumption of wealth ?

#4. Identify the normally radioactive material in the following list.

#5. In Volleyball, how many players per team are on the court ?

#6. How many states of India shares border with Assam ?

#7. Who is the Finance Minister of Assam as on 01st of January, 2022 ?

#8. The LCM of two numbers is 40 and their HCF is 4. If the difference between the two numbers is 12, then the sum of the numbers is :

#9. Three out of the following four options are alike in a particular pattern and hence form a group. Find the one which does NOT belong to the group.

#10. 45% of a number is same as 30% of another number. The ratio of the first number to the second number is :



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